digital business strategy:

Marketing Automation – Your Missing Puzzle Piece

Marketing automation enables marketers to create, deploy, and automate online marketing campaigns and sales activities which helps increase revenue and maximize efficiency. It helps marketers to streamline their lead generation, segmentation, lead nurturing and lead scoring, customer lifecycle marketing, cross-sell and up-sell, customer retention, and marketing ROI measurement.

By adopting marketing automation in your business, you can track what all web pages your lead has viewed, what all emails they have opened, which links in the email they’ve clicked, and what forms they have filled out.

According to Marketing Research Firm Marketsandmarkets, marketing automation software revenues are predicted grow to $5.50 billion worldwide in 2019. This shows just how much marketing automation is being used across business.

There are many benefits of marketing automation that help you boost to your business:

• Marketing automation tools help you to reach out people at that right point in the sales funnel – when they have expressed an interest in your newsletter or browsed your blog for long enough, etc.

• By using automated marketing tools, you can reduce your staffing costs. By setting up lead nurturing and marketing campaigns, one employee can do work of 50 employees that are automatically triggered based on certain criteria. It also helps to increase productivity as marketing department personnel are able to put increased focus on tasks that require more stringent manual monitoring.

• Marketing automation enables you to save lot of time. You can create multiple campaigns and posts ahead of time and schedule them for a time and date in the future. For example, you can create an entire month’s worth of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn posts in a day and set them to post throughout the month.

• Marketing automation enables you to maintain consistency. For example, you are posting manually on Facebook or Twitter, it may be possible, you forget to post somedays. If you have automated posts, your account will stay up to date

• It's very easy to use marketing automation tools, people without technical knowledge can even create great campaigns. It doesn't require any coding or design experience. It offers readymade templates, easy to use editors, and helpful information to guide you through the creation and distribution processes.

• Marketing automation enables you to create consistent brand present on multiple channels including Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat and more.

• Consistent updates on your marketing channels help your customers to identify your business and connect with you.

• Marketing automation provides detailed reports to keep track of each marketing channel.

Businesses of all types can benefit by leveraging automated marketing. Learn more about how and can help your business build a community.


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Brock Monahan

President & Creative Director

February 22, 2018