marketing mayhem:

9 Questions for Effective Logo Design Evaluation

Logos are everywhere, and the web is no exceptions. Simply browse through the internet and you will see different shapes and signs being used as logos. In fact, most custom web design packages include a logo design solution. This is especially true for a business website, where creating a compelling business image is of top importance.

However good logo designs do not manifest out of thin air, you have to have a clear understanding of what you want to communicate, and how it relates to your business promise and brand image. What’s even more important is your ability to “evaluate” a logo design, especially from the technical point of view – after all a logo design is an investment, and a lasting one at that.

Below are nine (9) questions/tips that can help you evaluate a logo. Not only will these tips aid you to acquire a design that works effectively to promote your brand promise, but also come in handy when negotiating with your logo design services provider.

To evaluate a logo begin by asking yourself:

• Is your logo professionally designed? Let’s face it a proletarian logo usually comes off as “amateur” and inept. Such a logo can leave a shoddy impression on your audience, and irreparably damage the positive impression you want to produce.

• Is it unique? A distinctive logo will catch the attention of your audience and leave an impression on their minds. Further it will help you differentiate your brand identity from all the rest.

• Can it be resized? Try resizing your logo to verify its readability at different sizes. Pay close attention to printability.

• Can it communicate your message in black and white? Some web logos become incomprehensible when reproduced in black and white. Besides it pays to have a blank and white version of a color logo - keeping in mind that approximately 5% to 8% of men and 0.5% of women are born color blind.

• If the logo uses words or letters, are they recognizable? A logo shouldn't be an object that requires explanation. It should be self explanatory. Whether you opt for an image or a script style, go for simple, well-made design which serves as a reference point to your produce, service or business.

• Is it singular? A logo that looks like someone else's isn’t worth a penny.

• Is the design in accordance with the personality and the tone of your business? For instance if you are an owner of a high-tech enterprise, you logo design should convey a more futuristic and fast image. Remember not everyone can pull off an Apple.

• Does it cause unwanted associations? A good way to do it is to ask your friends/ others in your company to check the design for “unwanted associations”; if you receive honest feedback, pay attention.

• Do you and your colleagues like it enough to use it earnestly? If notArticle Search, return to the negotiating table and get your logo design company to revisit the design.

Urge has professional designers who can seize on your ideas and take them to a level that can stand the test of time. Remember it pays well to invest wisely. Learn more about how and can help your business build a community.


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Brock Monahan

President & Creative Director

March 22, 2018